Swinburne University
Since 1890, Washington State University has inspired the next generation of problem solvers.

About Washington State University

WSU is one of just 115 U.S. colleges and universities—out of 4,300+ public and private institutions—named among doctoral universities with the “highest research activity” in the Carnegie Classification (2018). The faculty includes members of the National Academies—the nation’s highest honor for scientific researchers and many other honorees. WSU offers 95 undergraduate majors, 86 minors and more than 100 in-major specializations. There are nearly 150 graduate and professional degree programs. Research opportunities, fieldwork, internships, and in-depth labs inspire you to explore topics with passion and purpose. Study abroad programs in 48+ countries on all 7 continents deliver priceless lessons about culture, communication, and the common good. Most freshmen and many older students live in the action-packed community on campus. There they forge lifelong friendships. WSU embraces students from 50 states, 98 countries, and many cultures and backgrounds. It invites them to share diverse perspectives.



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